Club Administrator Multi-User Permission System Lanched
Nov 18, 2014

Zone4 has launched a new feature that enables clubs to setup user accounts for different club administrators and to specify specific permissions for each of those users.  This can greatly help to control who has access to which sections and what permissions they have on that data.  There are currently two types of permissions that can be set.  Club Level Permissions, and Item Level Permissions.  Lets looks at setting Club Level Permissions first.

Club Level Permissions

Under your Club Settings Menu, click "Club Administrators":


In Club Administrators, you will see at a glance all the users and permissions within the club.  The user account that you are currently logged into is highlighted in Yellow as you cannot edit your own permissions.  Note that only "Admin" level users are allowed to add and edit users so lesser roles users cannot access this section.

Clicking "Add User Role" brings up the following screen where you can set the "Club Level" roles of this user.   You must type in the email address of the user you would like to add to your club and select their roles with associated permissions.  Note that the email address entered is that person's unique identifier and login and creating a new user is granting access to whomever owns that email address.   If the email address is a new user in Zone4, the user will be sent an email inviting them to activate their account and enter their complete name and phone number details.

Note that a "Club Admin" account is the highest privileged that has the same rights and permission as you including editing and removing other user accounts including your own.  It would be expected that only 1 or perhaps 2 people in a club may need the Club Admin Role and the sub section permissions or 'Item Level' permissions discussed below is sufficient for other users.

Also Note that permissions set at the Club level, grants access to ALL items in that section.  So a user given access to "All Registrations" has access to all registrations and records in your Club's Registration System and Membership Database area and includes editing membership records, creating new registrations, editing registration forms, and editng live data.  See below for setting more restrictive item level permissions.

After Clicking Save, Zone4 checks to see if the email entered is a new or existing Zone4 user.  If the email already exists as a user in Zone4, perhaps as an administrator in another club, the roles you specified are added to their existing account and if needed, a "Change Roles" link is provided in their Account menu section.  This way a user who administers two different clubs, can login with just their one single account login, but then easily "Change Roles" to jump between the different clubs and permissions specific to each.


If the email address is a new account though, the name and phone number is listed as "Pending Activation" and an activation email is sent to that address.


The activation email is like the one pictured below.  This invites them to complete their account details on Zone4.


When the user clicks the link, the page on Zone4 will require them to fill in their Name, Phone and their account password.


Once their activation is complete, that user can then login with their email address and specified password:

In this example, this new user has been granted the "Registration" role, so they only have permission to see and work with the Registrations section including adding and editing registration forms, membership database, and children's fitness tax credit as you can see in the screen shot below.


Now that this new user has completed their profile, you will see their full Name and Phone number and Last Login in your Club Administrators section


Item Level Permissions

Club level permissions to whole sections are great to club executive type positions such as "Registrar" and "Accountant" (merchant account Transctions area) and for Communication for the soon to be released Communication Centre, but often it's desired to have more fine tune control of specific registrations.  As as Admin User, you will now also see the following section in the main Registration Settings area while editing any registration form.  This allows you to grant admin users access to just a specific registration.

Click "Add Registration Administrator" to bring up the following screen.  Similar to above, simply type in the e-mail address of the person you would like to grant access to administering this registration, and select "Read Only", "Editing", or "Editing + Merchant Account" permission and click Save.  Read Only grants access to viewing reports, but not editing any data.  Editing permission grants full access to the registration including editing any data and fields.  "Editing + Merchant Account"  appears as an option for those clubs with their own merchant account and allows not only editing access, but the ability to see all transactions specific to that registration and to issue refunds and charge adjustments for carts in that registration.

Once added, this user shows up in the list of Registration Administrators with their permission and if neccesary, same as above, an activation email is sent if this is a new user in Zone4, otherwise their full details are listed.

When that user logs in, they will only see the registration that they have been granted access to and links according to there permission.  In this example, the user has been granted Read-Only access and so they only have the ability to go to the Reports side of this registration.


In the following example, the user has been granted Editing permission on 8082 and can hence access both the Edit, Reports, and Race links of that registration, but only Read-Only access on 5824.


The user system has been setup so you as a Club Admin don't have to worry about setting and managing passwords or changing user profile details.  All you have to do is specify which email address has access to which section.  Users themselves take care of setting/resetting their own passwords, updating their profile, even changing their email address if needed.

At any point in time, you can change or remove roles assigned to any user and there changes are applied instantly.



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